ONN Group 2024 Dongguan impression Mountain fun group construction

On May 18, 2024, ONN Lighting team ushered in an unforgettable impression mountain fun group construction activity.

The location was selected at the foot of a magnificent mountain in the outskirts of Dongguan. Through a series of carefully planned activities, this group building activity aims to promote unity and cooperation among the partners of the ONN Group, enhance communication and understanding, and also allow everyone to relax in a natural environment and enjoy the pleasant time spent with colleagues.

ONN Group

Fun Activities: Firstly, the team members carried out a variety of fun activities at the foot of the mountain to enhance the cohesion and cooperation of the team through a variety of teamwork tasks and challenges.ONN Group

Group games: Following, at the foot of the mountain, the friends of Aoen Group challenged various entertainment projects, helped each other in entertainment, and exercised their cooperation and communication skills, which was pleasant and harmonious.

ONN Group

Nature Hike: Afterwards, in the morning sunshine, the friends of ONN Group set foot on a nature hike, bathed in the fresh air, and felt the beauty and magic of nature.

Water battle: In the afternoon, we experience exciting water adventure and adventure fun in the game, and enjoy the cool summer water with your friends.

ONN Group

Outdoor barbecue party: In the evening, the friends of ONN Group held a barbecue party outdoors, sitting around the campfire, enjoying delicious barbecue and drinks, laughing and laughing, creating a warm and pleasant atmosphere.

ONN Group

The group building activities are colorful, so that every small partner of ONN Group has left an unforgettable memory on this day. Under the care of the mountain, we gained a profound friendship and team spirit, with full of joy and harvest, the end of this meaningful mountain fun group building trip. In summary, may this group building activity bring more inspiration and motivation to the ONN lighting team, and we will write a more brilliant future together!

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Exhibition Hall of ONN Lighting