IP67 Oilproof LED Tube For CNC Machine – M9
IP67 Oilproof LED Tube For CNC Machine – M9
M9 is the quintessence of hundreds of thou -sands of ONN machine luminaires that are being used day by day in the entire world in rough environments: They have provided the specifications for the highly developed and robust M9. The efficient and maintenance-free LED technology, clever lighting technology and extremely robust housing in the attractive design make M9 the first choice for lighting engineering of machines and production facilities.
Feature of IP67 oilproof LED tube
- Maintenance-free LED technology
- Different length
- Bright
- Strong house
More details, please check the video link: led machine work lamp ONN-M9

M9 machine lamp
Application: engraving and milling machine, EDM, CNC machine tools, drilling and tapping machines, CNC machining centers, etc where need a waterproof light fixture for area lighting.
ONN’s machine tube luminaires have traditionally been a reliable component of the machine tool industry. Designed and constructed to resist coolants, lubricants, and flying debris present inside machines, there is a wide range of lengths, tube materials and light output – easily customized to the space available inside the machine.
As a 17-years professional supplier of led machine tool work lamp, ONN Lighting carries multiple sizes and work light models of aluminum and stainless steel construction, including warning lights, to fit your specific machine.
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